Minggu, 20 November 2016

Indirect Sentences

Direct and Indirect Sentences 

Direct Sentence
“The speed of the bus was so significant that when it hit the back of the big rig, the trailer itself entered 15 feet into the bus,” Chief Abele said.

Indirect Sentence
Chief Abele said that the speed of the bus had been so significant that when it hit the back of the big rig, the trailer itself entered 15 feet into the bus.

Direct Sentence
“In almost 35 years, I’ve never been to a crash where there’s been 13 confirmed fatal accidents,” he said. “So it’s tough. It’s not an easy thing.”

Indirect Sentence
He said that in almost 35 years, he had never been to a crash where there’s been 13 confirmed fatal accidents. So it had been tough. It had not been an easy thing.

Direct Sentence
“By the grace of God, nobody else will pass away,” he said.

Indirect Sentence
He said that by the grace of God, nobody else would pass away.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Direct Sentence

At Least 13 Killed in Bus Crash on California Highway

OCTOBER 23, 2016

NORTH PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — A bus traveling along a California highway here slammed into a tractor-trailer on Sunday morning, killing at least 13 people and injuring dozens more, according to the California Highway Patrol.

At a news conference on Sunday afternoon, Jim Abele, a chief with the California Highway Patrol, said that the tour bus was heading back to Los Angeles after a trip to a casino when it rammed into the back of the tractor-trailer shortly after 5 a.m. The driver of the bus was among those killed, he said.

“The speed of the bus was so significant that when it hit the back of the big rig, the trailer itself entered 15 feet into the bus,” Chief Abele said.

He said that the crash, which took place on Interstate 10 close to Palm Springs, was highly unusual in the amount of people killed and injured.

“In almost 35 years, I’ve never been to a crash where there’s been 13 confirmed fatal accidents,” he said. “So it’s tough. It’s not an easy thing.”

Thirty-one of the bus’s 44 passengers, many of whom were asleep at the time of the crash, were taken to hospitals. The majority of the people killed had been sitting in the front section of the bus. Chief Abele said that the majority of the passengers were Hispanic.

The vehicle, a 1996 MCI passenger bus, was owned and operated by USA Holiday Bus, a company based in Los Angeles, Chief Abele said. It had passed annual mechanical inspections for the past three years, including one in April. The bus did not have seatbelts.

The authorities did not identify the driver or any of the passengers.

Nothing was known about the driver’s condition at the time of the crash. The section of the highway where the crash occurred was subject to traffic stoppages at that time of the morning, as a maintenance crew was periodically pulling power lines across the highway. Chief Abele said at the news conference that the rig had slowed down because of the traffic breaks.

Officials said that there was no indication in the initial investigation that the bus driver had attempted to brake. Chief Abele said that that suggested the possibility that the driver had been experiencing “fatigue” or an emergency medical situation like a heart attack.

The bus was en route to Los Angeles from Red Earth Casino, near the Salton Sea, Chief Abele said.

Cleanup of the crash scene continued well into Sunday afternoon. Debris littered the road, and the westbound lanes of Interstate 10 remained closed. Around 1 p.m., a flatbed truck hauled away parts of the demolished trailer.

Richard Ramhoff, a spokesman for Desert Regional Medical Center, the area’s designated trauma center, said that the hospital received 14 adult victims of the crash.

Five of the patients received by Desert Regional were in critical condition, three were in serious condition and six had minor injuries, Mr. Ramhoff said in a statement.

Patients with less serious injuries were sent to other hospitals. Lee Rice, a spokeswoman at Eisenhower Medical Center, confirmed that the hospital had received 11 adult victims who had suffered minor injuries in the crash. The Desert Sun reported that JFK Medical Center in Indio, Calif., received a five patients, all of them with minor injuries.

Chief Abele gave no significant update on the condition of any of those injured at his afternoon news conference.

“By the grace of God, nobody else will pass away,” he said.


Task 2
Direct Sentences

  • “The speed of the bus was so significant that when it hit the back of the big rig, the trailer itself entered 15 feet into the bus,” Chief Abele said.
  • “In almost 35 years, I’ve never been to a crash where there’s been 13 confirmed fatal accidents,” he said. “So it’s tough. It’s not an easy thing.”
  • “By the grace of God, nobody else will pass away,” he said.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Toefl 1


8. Mary go  to bed after she had drunk the medicines.
                A              B     C       D

The answer is A, it should be went.


2. The  sheepdog is chasing after  the sheeps which is  heading over the hill.
                A                   B                                      C              D

The answer is C, it should be are.


6. The sooner you leavethe earliest you will  arrive at your destination.
     A            B               C         D

The answer is C, it should be the earlier.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Rencana Bisnis

Bisnis Sepatu Olahraga


Olahraga merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting dan berpengaruh bagi tubuh. Di samping harus melakukan pekerjaan atau aktivitas sehari-hari, masyarakat juga harus memperhatikan kebugaran dan kesehatan tubuhnya. Kebugaran dan kesehatan tubuh dapat dijaga dengan melakukan aktivitas olahraga. Melihat perkembangan dunia olahraga yang semakin lama semakin banyak peminatnya, hal ini menjadikan sebuah peluang untuk membuka usaha “menjual sepatu olahraga. Semakin banyaknya pecinta olahraga membuat kebutuhan akan sepatu olahraga pun menjadi tinggi. Masih sedikit pula para pelaku usaha yang memanfaatkan peluang ini.
Produk yang ditawarkan adalah sepatu olahraga untuk pria dan wanita dari brand Nike dan Adidas dengan berbagai jenis dan ukuran. Siap dipakai untuk olahraga seperti jogging, football, badminton, volley, tennis, dan basketball.
Sasaran konsumennya ialah masyarakat menengah ke atas khususnya para pecinta olahraga yang sadar akan pentingnya berolahraga.
Pemasaran produk dilakukan secara online, baik dengan cara broadcast melalui instant messenger seperti line dan whatsapp maupun akun media sosial seperti facebook, twitter, instagram, dan path.
Harganya dibandrol mulai dari Rp. 350.000,- sampai Rp. 3.000.000,-. Harga tersebut disesuaikan dengan jenis dan ukuran sepatu yang dipesan. Masalah kualitas? Jangan khawatir! Jangan risau! Dijamin nyaman dan puas. Harga sesuai dengan kualitas produk yang ditawarkan.